excel里面有神奇的“数据透视表(pivot table)”,其实很多时候真的已经很神奇了….不过我还是喜欢R,喜欢R直接输出csv或者xlsx的简洁。揉数据呢(学名貌似叫数据整理),我也还是喜欢写出来代码的形式,而不是直接向excel那样面对结果。只是感觉更加不容易出错吧。
warm-up完毕,还是回到正题吧,怎么用reshape2揉数据呢?虽然reshape2支持array, list和data.frame,但是我一般还是习惯于用data.frame,所以还是说说这东西怎么揉吧。揉数据的第一步就是调用melt()函数,不用担心你的input是什么格式,这个函数array, list和data.frame通吃。然后,要告诉他哪些变量是(唯一)识别一个个体的,这句话是什么意思呢?我们先看melt()的参数:
melt(data, id.vars, measure.vars,
variable.name = "variable", ..., na.rm = FALSE,
value.name = "value")
ozone solar.r wind temp month day
1 41 190 7.4 67 5 1
2 36 118 8.0 72 5 2
3 12 149 12.6 74 5 3
4 18 313 11.5 62 5 4
5 NA NA 14.3 56 5 5
6 28 NA 14.9 66 5 6
[1] 153 6
然后我们将month和day作为识别个体记录的变量,调用melt(airquality, id=c(“month”, “day”)):
head(melt(airquality, id=c("month", "day")))
month day variable value
1 5 1 ozone 41
2 5 2 ozone 36
3 5 3 ozone 12
4 5 4 ozone 18
5 5 5 ozone NA
6 5 6 ozone 28
dim(melt(airquality, id=c("month", "day")))
[1] 612 4
names(airquality) <- tolower(names(airquality))
aqm <- melt(airquality, id=c("month", "day"), na.rm=TRUE)
head(dcast(aqm, day ~ variable+month))
day ozone_5 ozone_6 ozone_7 ozone_8 ozone_9 solar.r_5 solar.r_6 solar.r_7 solar.r_8 solar.r_9 wind_5 wind_6 wind_7
1 1 41 NA 135 39 96 190 286 269 83 167 7.4 8.6 4.1
2 2 36 NA 49 9 78 118 287 248 24 197 8.0 9.7 9.2
3 3 12 NA 32 16 73 149 242 236 77 183 12.6 16.1 9.2
4 4 18 NA NA 78 91 313 186 101 NA 189 11.5 9.2 10.9
5 5 NA NA 64 35 47 NA 220 175 NA 95 14.3 8.6 4.6
6 6 28 NA 40 66 32 NA 264 314 NA 92 14.9 14.3 10.9
wind_8 wind_9 temp_5 temp_6 temp_7 temp_8 temp_9
1 6.9 6.9 67 78 84 81 91
2 13.8 5.1 72 74 85 81 92
3 7.4 2.8 74 67 81 82 93
4 6.9 4.6 62 84 84 86 93
5 7.4 7.4 56 85 83 85 87
6 4.6 15.5 66 79 83 87 84
head(dcast(aqm, month ~ variable, mean, margins = c("month", "variable")))
month ozone solar.r wind temp (all)
1 5 23.61538 181.2963 11.622581 65.54839 68.70696
2 6 29.44444 190.1667 10.266667 79.10000 87.38384
3 7 59.11538 216.4839 8.941935 83.90323 93.49748
4 8 59.96154 171.8571 8.793548 83.96774 79.71207
5 9 31.44828 167.4333 10.180000 76.90000 71.82689
6 (all) 42.12931 185.9315 9.957516 77.88235 80.05722
library(plyr) # needed to access . function
acast(aqm, variable ~ month, mean, subset = .(variable == "ozone"))
5 6 7 8 9
ozone 23.61538 29.44444 59.11538 59.96154 31.44828
# code_1
x = data.frame(subject = c("John", "Mary"),
time = c(1,1),
age = c(33,NA),
weight = c(90, NA),
height = c(2,2))
subject time age weight height
1 John 1 33 90 2
2 Mary 1 NA NA 2
# code_2
molten = melt(x, id = c("subject", "time"))
subject time variable value
1 John 1 age 33
2 Mary 1 age NA
3 John 1 weight 90
4 Mary 1 weight NA
5 John 1 height 2
6 Mary 1 height 2
# code_3
molten = melt(x, id = c("subject", "time"), na.rm = TRUE)
subject time variable value
1 John 1 age 33
3 John 1 weight 90
5 John 1 height 2
6 Mary 1 height 2
# 语句
dcast(molten, formula = time + subject ~ variable)
dcast(molten, formula = subject + time ~ variable)
dcast(molten, formula = subject ~ variable)
dcast(molten, formula = ... ~ variable)
# 结果
> dcast(molten, formula = time + subject ~ variable)
time subject age weight height
1 1 John 33 90 2
2 1 Mary NA NA 2
> dcast(molten, formula = subject + time ~ variable)
subject time age weight height
1 John 1 33 90 2
2 Mary 1 NA NA 2
> dcast(molten, formula = subject ~ variable)
subject age weight height
1 John 33 90 2
2 Mary NA NA 2
> dcast(molten, formula = ... ~ variable)
subject time age weight height
1 John 1 33 90 2
2 Mary 1 NA NA 2
# 语句
acast(molten, formula = subject ~ time ~ variable)
# 结果
> acast(molten, formula = subject ~ time ~ variable)
, , age
John 33
Mary NA
, , weight
John 90
Mary NA
, , height
John 2
Mary 2
# Melt French Fries dataset
ffm <- melt(french_fries, id = 1:4, na.rm = TRUE)
# Aggregate examples - all 3 yield the same result
dcast(ffm, treatment ~ .)
dcast(ffm, treatment ~ ., function(x) length(x))
dcast(ffm, treatment ~ ., length)
# Passing further arguments through ...
dcast(ffm, treatment ~ ., sum)
dcast(ffm, treatment ~ ., sum, trim = 0.1)
Converting data between wide and long format
You want to do convert data from a wide format to a long format.
Many functions in R expect data to be in a long format rather than a wide format. Programs like SPSS, however, often use wide-formatted data.
There are two sets of methods that are explained below:
from the tidyr package. This is a newer interface to the reshape2 package.melt()
from the reshape2 package.
There are a number of other methods which aren’t covered here, since they are not as easy to use:
- The
function, which is confusingly not part of the reshape2 package; it is part of the base install of R. stack()
Sample data
These data frames hold the same data, but in wide and long formats. They will each be converted to the other format below.
olddata_wide <- read.table(header=TRUE, text='
subject sex control cond1 cond2
1 M 7.9 12.3 10.7
2 F 6.3 10.6 11.1
3 F 9.5 13.1 13.8
4 M 11.5 13.4 12.9
# Make sure the subject column is a factor
olddata_wide$subject <- factor(olddata_wide$subject)
olddata_long <- read.table(header=TRUE, text='
subject sex condition measurement
1 M control 7.9
1 M cond1 12.3
1 M cond2 10.7
2 F control 6.3
2 F cond1 10.6
2 F cond2 11.1
3 F control 9.5
3 F cond1 13.1
3 F cond2 13.8
4 M control 11.5
4 M cond1 13.4
4 M cond2 12.9
# Make sure the subject column is a factor
olddata_long$subject <- factor(olddata_long$subject)
From wide to long
Use gather
#> subject sex control cond1 cond2
#> 1 1 M 7.9 12.3 10.7
#> 2 2 F 6.3 10.6 11.1
#> 3 3 F 9.5 13.1 13.8
#> 4 4 M 11.5 13.4 12.9
# The arguments to gather():
# - data: Data object
# - key: Name of new key column (made from names of data columns)
# - value: Name of new value column
# - ...: Names of source columns that contain values
data_long <- gather(olddata_wide, condition, measurement, control:cond2)
#> subject sex condition measurement
#> 1 1 M control 7.9
#> 2 2 F control 6.3
#> 3 3 F control 9.5
#> 4 4 M control 11.5
#> 5 1 M cond1 12.3
#> 6 2 F cond1 10.6
#> 7 3 F cond1 13.1
#> 8 4 M cond1 13.4
#> 9 1 M cond2 10.7
#> 10 2 F cond2 11.1
#> 11 3 F cond2 13.8
#> 12 4 M cond2 12.9
In this example, the source columns that are gathered are specified with control:cond2
. This means to use all the columns, positionally, between control
and cond2
. Another way of doing it is to name the columns individually, as in:
gather(olddata_wide, condition, measurement, control, cond1, cond2)
If you need to use gather()
programmatically, you may need to use variables containing column names. To do this, you should use the gather_()
function instead, which takes strings instead of bare (unquoted) column names.
keycol <- "condition"
valuecol <- "measurement"
gathercols <- c("control", "cond1", "cond2")
gather_(olddata_wide, keycol, valuecol, gathercols)
Optional: Rename the factor levels of the variable column, and sort.
# Rename factor names from "cond1" and "cond2" to "first" and "second"
levels(data_long$condition)[levels(data_long$condition)=="cond1"] <- "first"
levels(data_long$condition)[levels(data_long$condition)=="cond2"] <- "second"
# Sort by subject first, then by condition
data_long <- data_long[order(data_long$subject, data_long$condition), ]
#> subject sex condition measurement
#> 1 1 M control 7.9
#> 5 1 M first 12.3
#> 9 1 M second 10.7
#> 2 2 F control 6.3
#> 6 2 F first 10.6
#> 10 2 F second 11.1
#> 3 3 F control 9.5
#> 7 3 F first 13.1
#> 11 3 F second 13.8
#> 4 4 M control 11.5
#> 8 4 M first 13.4
#> 12 4 M second 12.9
From long to wide
Use spread
#> subject sex condition measurement
#> 1 1 M control 7.9
#> 2 1 M cond1 12.3
#> 3 1 M cond2 10.7
#> 4 2 F control 6.3
#> 5 2 F cond1 10.6
#> 6 2 F cond2 11.1
#> 7 3 F control 9.5
#> 8 3 F cond1 13.1
#> 9 3 F cond2 13.8
#> 10 4 M control 11.5
#> 11 4 M cond1 13.4
#> 12 4 M cond2 12.9
# The arguments to spread():
# - data: Data object
# - key: Name of column containing the new column names
# - value: Name of column containing values
data_wide <- spread(olddata_long, condition, measurement)
#> subject sex cond1 cond2 control
#> 1 1 M 12.3 10.7 7.9
#> 2 2 F 10.6 11.1 6.3
#> 3 3 F 13.1 13.8 9.5
#> 4 4 M 13.4 12.9 11.5
Optional: A few things to make the data look nicer.
# Rename cond1 to first, and cond2 to second
names(data_wide)[names(data_wide)=="cond1"] <- "first"
names(data_wide)[names(data_wide)=="cond2"] <- "second"
# Reorder the columns
data_wide <- data_wide[, c(1,2,5,3,4)]
#> subject sex control first second
#> 1 1 M 7.9 12.3 10.7
#> 2 2 F 6.3 10.6 11.1
#> 3 3 F 9.5 13.1 13.8
#> 4 4 M 11.5 13.4 12.9
The order of factor levels determines the order of the columns. The level order can be changed before reshaping, or the columns can be re-ordered afterward.
From wide to long
Use melt
#> subject sex control cond1 cond2
#> 1 1 M 7.9 12.3 10.7
#> 2 2 F 6.3 10.6 11.1
#> 3 3 F 9.5 13.1 13.8
#> 4 4 M 11.5 13.4 12.9
# Specify id.vars: the variables to keep but not split apart on
melt(olddata_wide, id.vars=c("subject", "sex"))
#> subject sex variable value
#> 1 1 M control 7.9
#> 2 2 F control 6.3
#> 3 3 F control 9.5
#> 4 4 M control 11.5
#> 5 1 M cond1 12.3
#> 6 2 F cond1 10.6
#> 7 3 F cond1 13.1
#> 8 4 M cond1 13.4
#> 9 1 M cond2 10.7
#> 10 2 F cond2 11.1
#> 11 3 F cond2 13.8
#> 12 4 M cond2 12.9
There are options for melt
that can make the output a little easier to work with:
data_long <- melt(olddata_wide,
# ID variables - all the variables to keep but not split apart on
id.vars=c("subject", "sex"),
# The source columns
measure.vars=c("control", "cond1", "cond2" ),
# Name of the destination column that will identify the original
# column that the measurement came from
#> subject sex condition measurement
#> 1 1 M control 7.9
#> 2 2 F control 6.3
#> 3 3 F control 9.5
#> 4 4 M control 11.5
#> 5 1 M cond1 12.3
#> 6 2 F cond1 10.6
#> 7 3 F cond1 13.1
#> 8 4 M cond1 13.4
#> 9 1 M cond2 10.7
#> 10 2 F cond2 11.1
#> 11 3 F cond2 13.8
#> 12 4 M cond2 12.9
If you leave out the measure.vars
, melt
will automatically use all the other variables as the id.vars
. The reverse is true if you leave out id.vars
If you don’t specify variable.name, it will name that column “variable”, and if you leave out value.name, it will name that column “measurement”.
Optional: Rename the factor levels of the variable column.
# Rename factor names from "cond1" and "cond2" to "first" and "second"
levels(data_long$condition)[levels(data_long$condition)=="cond1"] <- "first"
levels(data_long$condition)[levels(data_long$condition)=="cond2"] <- "second"
# Sort by subject first, then by condition
data_long <- data_long[ order(data_long$subject, data_long$condition), ]
#> subject sex condition measurement
#> 1 1 M control 7.9
#> 5 1 M first 12.3
#> 9 1 M second 10.7
#> 2 2 F control 6.3
#> 6 2 F first 10.6
#> 10 2 F second 11.1
#> 3 3 F control 9.5
#> 7 3 F first 13.1
#> 11 3 F second 13.8
#> 4 4 M control 11.5
#> 8 4 M first 13.4
#> 12 4 M second 12.9
From long to wide
The following code uses dcast
to reshape the data. This function is meant for data frames; if you are working with arrays or matrices, use acast
#> subject sex condition measurement
#> 1 1 M control 7.9
#> 2 1 M cond1 12.3
#> 3 1 M cond2 10.7
#> 4 2 F control 6.3
#> 5 2 F cond1 10.6
#> 6 2 F cond2 11.1
#> 7 3 F control 9.5
#> 8 3 F cond1 13.1
#> 9 3 F cond2 13.8
#> 10 4 M control 11.5
#> 11 4 M cond1 13.4
#> 12 4 M cond2 12.9
# From the source:
# "subject" and "sex" are columns we want to keep the same
# "condition" is the column that contains the names of the new column to put things in
# "measurement" holds the measurements
data_wide <- dcast(olddata_long, subject + sex ~ condition, value.var="measurement")
#> subject sex cond1 cond2 control
#> 1 1 M 12.3 10.7 7.9
#> 2 2 F 10.6 11.1 6.3
#> 3 3 F 13.1 13.8 9.5
#> 4 4 M 13.4 12.9 11.5
Optional: A few things to make the data look nicer.
# Rename cond1 to first, and cond2 to second
names(data_wide)[names(data_wide)=="cond1"] <- "first"
names(data_wide)[names(data_wide)=="cond2"] <- "second"
# Reorder the columns
data_wide <- data_wide[, c(1,2,5,3,4)]
#> subject sex control first second
#> 1 1 M 7.9 12.3 10.7
#> 2 2 F 6.3 10.6 11.1
#> 3 3 F 9.5 13.1 13.8
#> 4 4 M 11.5 13.4 12.9
The order of factor levels determines the order of the columns. The level order can be changed before reshaping, or the columns can be re-ordered afterward.
转载请注明:数据分析 » R语言-数据整形之reshape2包_r语言 reshape