
使用Stata进行meta分析实例_stata meta分析模块

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关键词: stata meta分析模块stata meta分析教程数据分析师stata做meta分析应用stata做meta分析

. sum

   Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min       Max
        day |         7           1           0          1          1
       year |         7    2005.286    7.040698       1991      2011
    country |         0
      study |         0
         dn |         7    16.85714    11.66803          6         38
         dm |         7    14.02571    3.834401        8.5         19
         ds |         7    5.448572    3.270578          1         10
         sn |         7    23.28571    14.02039         10         51
         sm |         7    12.95286    4.237431       7.83       19.9
         ss |         7    5.165714    2.857661        1.8          9

. list

    | day   year   country          study   dn      dm     ds  sn     sm     ss |
1. |   1   2011      中国         陈裕胜   11    14.4      1  10   12.7    1.8 |
2. |   1   2011      中国         梁道业    9     8.5   2.69   23   7.83   2.36 |
3. |   1   2009      中国           徐波    8    18.7    8.1  12   19.9      8 |
4. |   1   2007      中国           顾勤    6   12.48   6.55   14   9.04    5.3 |
5. |   1   2006      中国         杨从山   24    11.1    6.8   26   12.2    6.7 |
6. |   1   2002      德国    Samir Sakka   22      14      3   27     12      3 |
7. |   1   1991      美国   Dan Schuller   38      19     10   51     17      9 |

. metan  dn- ss,fixed lcols( day year country) texts(200) boxsca(200) nowt

          Study     |     SMD   [95% Conf. Interval]    
1                    |  1.184       0.249     2.120       
1                    |  0.273      -0.501     1.047       
1                    | -0.149      -1.045     0.747       
1                    |  0.606      -0.370     1.583       
1                    | -0.163      -0.719     0.393       
1                    |  0.667       0.088     1.246       
1                    |  0.212      -0.209     0.633       
I-V pooled SMD       |  0.290       0.047     0.532       

Heterogeneity chi-squared =   9.15 (d.f. = 6) p = 0.165
I-squared (variation in SMD attributable to heterogeneity) =  34.4%

Test of SMD=0 : z=   2.34 p = 0.019


. metafunnel  _ES _seES

. metabias  _ES _seES,begg

Note: data input format theta se_theta assumed.

Begg’s test for small-study effects:
Rank correlation between standardized intervention effect and its standard error

adj. Kendall’s Score (P-Q) =       7
         Std. Dev. of Score =    6.66
          Number of Studies =       7
                         z  =    1.05
                   Pr > |z| =   0.293
                         z  =    0.90 (continuity corrected)
                   Pr > |z| =   0.368 (continuity corrected)

. metabias  _ES _seES,egger

Note: data input format theta se_theta assumed.

Egger’s test for small-study effects:
Regress standard normal deviate of intervention
effect estimate against its standard error

Number of studies =  7                                 Root MSE      =   1.269
    Std_Eff |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
      slope |  -.1250773     .52751    -0.24   0.822    -1.481085    1.23093
       bias |    1.32596   1.609626     0.82   0.448    -2.811715   5.463634

Test of H0: no small-study effects          P = 0.448

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